1. Not available in all states.
2. SecureCare policyholders can no longer view information on My Account once their policy has an active claim.
SecureCare refers to a line of hybrid life/long-term care insurance products issued by Minnesota Life Insurance Company, including SecureCare Universal Life and SecureCare III, a non-participating whole life policy with long-term care. SecureCare (including SecureCare Universal Life and/or SecureCare III) may not be available in all states. Product features, including limitations and exclusions, may vary by state. SecureCare products contain qualified long-term care agreement(s) that cover care such as nursing care, home and community-based care, and informal care as defined in those agreements. These agreements provide for the payment of a monthly benefit for qualified long-term care services. These agreements are intended to provide federally tax qualified long-term care insurance benefits under Section 7702B of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended. However, due to uncertainty in the tax law, benefits paid under these agreements may be taxable. Additionally, SecureCare products may contain other additional agreements, which may be subject to additional costs and restrictions, and may not be available in all states or exist under a different name in various states.
Additional agreements may be available. Agreements may be subject to additional costs and restrictions. Agreements may not be available in all states or may exist under a different name in various states and may not be available in combination with other agreements.
These materials are for informational and educational purposes only and are not designed, or intended, to be applicable to any person’s individual circumstances. It should not be considered investment advice, nor does it constitute a recommendation that anyone engage in (or refrain from) a particular course of action. Securian Financial Group, and its subsidiaries, have a financial interest in the sale of their products.