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Long-term care insurance

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Preparing for life's possibilities

Long-term care insurance provides you with a monthly benefit to help offset the cost of long-term care as you age. There are several different types of long-term care insurance – in this case, we’re talking about hybrid life/long-term care insurance policies (which are also sometimes referred to as linked-benefit policies). A hybrid life/long-term care policy is a life insurance policy with built-in long-term care benefits.

Hybrid life/long-term care insurance benefits

  • If you become chronically ill1, your policy would provide a guaranteed benefit to help cover your care expenses2
  • Your premiums and benefits are guaranteed – your policy’s premiums will never increase and your benefit amounts will never decrease
  • If you die before needing care, your family will receive a guaranteed death benefit3
  • If you decide to cancel your policy, you can receive a return of premium

Hybrid life/long-term care insurance considerations

  • You will need to be able to medically qualify for the policy so you must be in reasonably good health
  • Because these policies offer guaranteed premium and benefit amounts, they typically have smaller long-term care benefits than a traditional long-term care policy
  • The features of these policies can be complex – be sure to discuss the different options with your financial professional

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Alternative options

Hybrid life/long-term care policies are a good option if your primary concern is being protected from the potential impact of an extended care event. However, if your primary concern is ensuring you have death benefit protection and your long-term care protection needs are secondary, you may want to consider a life insurance policy with an accelerated death benefit or chronic illness rider.

A life insurance policy with an accelerated death benefit or chronic illness rider allows you to access your death benefit if you become chronically ill, helping to shield your assets and loved ones from the financial impact of a chronic illness.

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Insurance products issued by: MINNESOTA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY

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Our health changes as we age – how might these changes impact your loved ones’ and financial future?

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1. Chronically ill means you have been certified by a licensed health care practitioner within the last 12 months as: 1. Being unable to perform, without substantial help from another person, at least two activities of daily living (transferring/mobility, bathing, getting dressed, eating, continence, toileting) for at least 90 days; OR 2. Requiring substantial supervision due to severe cognitive impairment.

2. If owner/insured are different, benefits will be paid to the owner upon the insured being certified as a chronically ill individual.

3. If owner/insured are different, the death benefit will be paid upon death of the insured.

Please keep in mind that the primary reason to purchase a life insurance product is the death benefit.

Guarantees are subject to the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company.

Life insurance products contain charges, such as Cost of Insurance Charge, Cash Extra Charge, and Additional Agreements Charge (which we refer to as mortality charges), and Premium Charge, Monthly Policy Charge, Policy Issue Charge, Transaction Charge, and Surrender Charge (which we refer to as expense charges). These policies may contain restrictions, such as surrender periods. Insurance policy guarantees are subject to the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company.

Product features and availability may vary by state.

Additional agreements may be available. Agreements may be subject to additional costs and restrictions. Agreements may not be available in all states or may exist under a different name in various states and may not be available in combination with other agreements.

Long-term care agreements and policies have exclusions and limitations. For costs and complete details of coverage please contact your financial professional.

The purpose of this material is the solicitation of insurance. An insurance agent or company may contact you.

DOFU 6-2024
