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Critical illness insurance

This is not a time to worry about finances

It’s difficult to anticipate the extra expenses a serious illness may bring, but you can be smart and more prepared with critical illness insurance.

What is critical illness insurance?

Critical illness insurance provides a lump sum cash payment to you if you are diagnosed with a condition covered under the policy.

Most critical illness insurance allows you to use the money however you wish and some allow you to enroll for coverage for your dependents, too.

How critical illness insurance works


Jill elects coverage

from the plan offered by her employer.


A year later

she suffers a heart attack (as defined in the policy). She recovers fully. 


Jill gets a payment

from her insurance company. 


Jill uses the money

to pay for childcare while she recovers. 

What critical illness insurance covers

Conditions covered under typical critical illness insurance can include:

  • Cancer
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Major organ failure

Other conditions may be covered and certain limitations can apply. Be sure to read any policy thoroughly prior to enrolling.

Why critical illness insurance makes sense

Critical illnesses are expensive. It’s easy to understand how unpaid medical bills can threaten a family’s financial future.

While you can’t prevent a critical illness in your family, you can help protect your finances with additional, cost-effective coverage.

How do I purchase this type of insurance?

Our insurance products may be offered through your employer. Contact your employer's benefits department today to learn more about your group health insurance options and costs.

Learning to cope with a critical illness

A critical illness diagnosis can come as a shock, but there are ways to plan, cope and thrive. Get a prescription for information and learn more.

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Supplemental health insurance benefits

Supplemental health insurance provides additional coverage for out-of-pocket expenses and unexpected costs (like a visit to the hospital) that may not be covered by your main health plan. It helps fill in those gaps.


This is a limited benefit product. Critical illness insurance has exclusions, limitations, reduction of benefits and terms under which the policy may be continued in force or discontinued. For costs and complete details of the coverage, contact Securian Financial. Product availability and features may vary by state.

DOFU 4-2022