Producer policies and procedures
Please read these policies and procedures carefully. They were developed to inform producers selling Minnesota Life and Securian Life products of our policies and procedures and of laws, rules and regulations governing the sale of our products. As a producer, you are responsible for complying with these policies and procedures in addition to any policies and procedures required by your affiliated agency or broker-dealer. These materials are not a recitation of all of the applicable laws, rules or regulations. Producers are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and may be subject to regulatory sanctions or criminal prosecution for violations.
- Policies and Procedures
- Monetary Instruments Policy Registered Representatives of Securian Financial Services, Inc. should also refer to its Monetary Instruments Policy.
- Anti-money Laundering Program
- Minnesota Life Sales Activities Requirements for financial professionals with Offices in or Conducting Business in New York
Data encryption
State laws require data encryption
You are expected to maintain the security and confidentiality of Minnesota Life customer private information at all times, including when information is transmitted electronically, or stored on a removable media storage device such as a USB stick or portable external hard drive. We consider it a best practice to encrypt private customer information when it is transmitted electronically or when it is stored on a removable media storage device. In addition, Nevada statute NRS 603A and Massachusetts regulation 201 CMR 17.00 mandate the use of encryption when the private information* of any person residing in one of those states is transmitted electronically or stored on removable media.
When transmitting customer private information, please use one of the following methods:
- Encrypted email
- Fax
- Regular mail
- Express mail
If you store customer private information on a removable media storage device, the data must be encrypted to ensure the security of the information.
We will always use encryption when transmitting private customer information to you electronically.
Thank you for safeguarding our customers' privacy.