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Income soon for clients nearing retirement
MyPath Horizon is geared for clients 3-8 years from retirement. With opportunity for a Reset in years of strong market performance, combined with a 6% Enhancement for 8 years, clients can grow their retirement income while also having the security of guaranteed income for life.
Why choose MyPath Horizon?
Protect your clients’ vision of retirement
By adding MyPath Horizon to your clients MultiOption variable annuity, your clients gain the security of knowing their retirement income is protected, even in declining markets.
Your clients Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI) will never decrease solely because of a down market. They can continue to receive their GAI withdrawals, regardless of their annuity value — even if it falls to zero.
Guaranteed annual income every year for life regardless of market performance
This is a hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only and is not intended to predict or project investment results. Withdrawals may be subject to a deferred sales charge, and withdrawals before age 59½ may be subject to IRS penalties in addition to income tax.
Your client's GAI is not protected if an excess withdrawal is taken that causes the contract value to fall to zero.
If you select the Joint 50 option, there is a 50% reduction in guaranteed annual income upon first death or divorce.
Grow your clients guaranteed income
MyPath Horizon offers a Benefit Base Reset during periods of strong market conditions. If your client’s annuity contract value at their contract anniversary is greater than their current Benefit Base (after any applicable Benefit Base Enhancement), a Reset automatically locks market gains into your client’s Benefit Base, even if they’ve already started taking withdrawals.
Your clients can also increase their Benefit Base through a Benefit Base Enhancement. The Enhancement helps their Benefit Base grow in any year they haven’t taken a withdrawal during the 8-year Enhancement Period.
MyPath Horizon requires the use of select investment options that can help your clients’ annuity grow over time. They can choose from a range of Managed Volatility Portfolios (MVPs).
How benefit base resets and enhancements work
This hypothetical example assumes purchase of MyPath Horizon and demonstrates how the annual Reset and Enhancement features work together generally in varied market conditions. This example is for illustrative purposes only and is not intended to predict or project investment results. Please note the // symbol identifies a break in the vertical axis of the graph. Due to space considerations, this presentation focuses on the upper contour of the fluctuating contract value. The base value of the graph is not considered to be zero. The cost of the MyPath Horizon benefit may increase at an annual Reset but will not exceed the maximums. If clients decline cost increase, they will no longer be eligible for future Benefit Base increases.
Sustainable income with flexibility
With MyPath Horizon, clients can start taking their GAI withdrawals once they reach their Benefit Date. Clients have the flexibility to select from Single, Joint or Joint 50 options – allowing them to choose the income guarantees that are important to them and their family.
Annual income percentage
*When compared to the Single or Joint life options, the initial guaranteed annual income will typically be higher under the Joint 50 option. However, there is a 50% reduction in guaranteed annual income upon first death or divorce.
MyPath is RMD friendly
With MyPath, clients can receive the greater of their GAI or any required minimum distributions (RMDs) for the contract each year, guaranteed for life!
If your clients withdraw the RMDs for two calendar years in one contract year, any amount in excess of the GAI or current calendar year RMD (whichever is greater) will be treated as an excess withdrawal. Excess withdrawals include any withdrawal prior to the Benefit Date as well as any amount withdrawn in a contract year that exceeds the GAI for that year. Excess withdrawal amounts will reduce the Benefit Base and Enhancement Base (as defined in the supplemental rate sheet) proportionately based on the ratio of the excess amount withdrawn to contract value. The GAI is recalculated. In down markets, this can have a larger negative impact than dollar-for-dollar withdrawals.
Benefit details
Benefit description
Guarantees lifetime income via withdrawals beginning at the Benefit Date
Annual cost1
1.50% Single (2.25% max)
1.50% Joint (2.25% max)
1.50% Joint 50 (2.25% max)
Age requirements
- Available with MultiOption Extra and Guide B Series variable annuity contracts at issue (excluding Beneficial or Decedent IRA accounts).
- Single life – Not available on jointly owned contracts.
- Joint life – Available only to spouses, benefits based on age of youngest. Not available to non-natural owners.
- Not offered with other optional living or death benefits.
- May not be available in all states and availability is subject to change.
Asset allocation plan required
Select Managed Volatility Portfolios
Benefit Date
Later of contract anniversary following the 59th birthday or contract issue.
Benefit Base
Used in determining the Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI). Begins equal to initial purchase payment. Increased by additional purchase payments until the later of 1st contract anniversary or 1st withdrawal. After 1st year, cumulative purchase payments in excess of $25,000 require prior consent. Decreased by excess withdrawals as defined later.
Benefit Base Reset
- Annual Reset (when contract value is higher than current Benefit Base following any Enhancement).
- Benefit charge may increase at Reset. If clients decline cost increase, they will no longer be eligible for future Benefit Base increases.
Benefit Base Enhancement1
6% of Enhancement Base
- During the Enhancement Period, increases the Benefit Base at contract anniversary in years of no withdrawal activity.
- Calculated by multiplying Enhancement Rate (%) by Enhancement Base. If a Reset results in a larger increase than the Enhancement, Benefit Base increased by the Reset, not both.
Enhancement period1
8 years following contract issue.
Enhancement Base
Used in determining Benefit Base Enhancement. Begins equal to initial purchase payment. Increased by additional purchase payments made in 1st contract year, or if later, prior to 1st withdrawal. After 1st year, cumulative purchase payments in excess of $25,000 require prior consent. Decreased by excess withdrawals as defined below. Not impacted by Benefit Base Reset.
Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI)
- Amount of income that can be withdrawn every contract year for life beginning on the Benefit Date.
- Equal to the Benefit Base multiplied by Annual Income Percentage (set at the time of first withdrawal).
- Under the Joint 50 option, also multiplied by the Continuation Factor beginning on the Continuation Date.
- GAI will increase upon Benefit Base increases (due to Reset, Enhancement, or eligible purchase payments, where applicable).
- GAI will only decrease due to an excess withdrawal as defined below, or, in the case of the Joint 50 option, on the Continuation Date.
Annual Income Percentage (%)1
- % set at time of first withdrawal.
Continuation Date (Joint 50 option only)
Contract Anniversary following the first date we receive notification of:
- Death of a Designated Life
- Request to remove Designated Life in the event of divorce
Continuation Factor (Joint 50 option only)
50%. Applied in calculating the GAI on the Continuation Date.
Impact of withdrawals
After the Benefit Date, withdrawals for the contract year less than or equal to the GAI or RMD do not reduce the GAI, Benefit Base or Enhancement Base (if applicable).
Excess withdrawal amounts:
- Before the Benefit Date, any withdrawal reduces the Benefit Base and Enhancement Base (if applicable) proportionately based on ratio of total amount withdrawn to contract value. GAI is recalculated.
- After the Benefit Date, if total amount withdrawn in a contract year is in excess of GAI or RMD, then amount in excess will reduce Benefit Base and Enhancement Base (if applicable) proportionately based on ratio of excess portion to contract value. GAI is recalculated.
Automatic Payout Phase (APP)
Unless due to an excess withdrawal, begins when contract value reaches zero. Will then pay GAI until death (if Joint, the death of both Designated Lives. Under the Joint 50 option, the GAI will reduce by the 50% Continuation Factor upon first death. If APP occurs prior to the Continuation Date, but after notification of first death or divorce, the GAI will be reduced immediately by the 50% Continuation Factor). All other contract features, benefits and guarantees are terminated.
Spousal continuance
Single life
- MyPath optional benefits terminate upon death. A spouse beneficiary may assume the contract. Contract value is adjusted to the Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit (GMDB) if greater.
Joint life
- Upon first death (if single ownership contract, must be death of contract owner), contract value is adjusted to the GMDB value if greater. Spouse beneficiary, if also the Joint Designated Life, may continue the contract and optional benefits.
- If first death on a single ownership contract is a non-owner, contract and optional benefits continue as established. A new beneficiary may be named but will not be considered a new Joint Designated Life.
- Upon death of the remaining Designated Life, contract value is adjusted to the GMDB if greater. Optional benefits terminate.
Benefit termination
- May not be cancelled.
- Change of ownership, death of a Designated Life (or remaining Designated Life if joint), surrender or full annuitization terminates the benefit.
- Any excess withdrawal resulting in contract value falling to zero is considered a contract surrender and benefit terminates.
1. All rates effective as of February 13, 2023 and subject to change at any time.
2. Upon first death or divorce, the 50% Continuation Factor is applied when determining the new reduced Guaranteed Annual Income.
Customers should consider all of their assets, income and investments when considering an asset allocation model or strategy.
MyPath joint benefit options are not beneficial to the joint designated life unless he or she is recognized as a spouse under federal law. Clients should consult their tax advisor prior to purchasing a MyPath joint benefit if they have questions about their spouse’s status under federal law.
Benefit resources
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An annuity is intended to be a long-term, tax-deferred retirement vehicle. Earnings are taxable as ordinary income when distributed, and if withdrawn before age 59½, may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty. If the annuity will fund an IRA or other tax qualified plan, the tax deferral feature offers no additional value. Qualified distributions from a Roth IRA are generally excluded from gross income, but taxes and penalties may apply to nonqualified distributions. Please consult a tax advisor for specific information. There are charges and expenses associated with annuities, such as surrender charges (deferred sales charges) for early withdrawals. Variable annuities have additional expenses such as mortality and expense risk, administrative charge, investment management fees and rider fees. Variable sub-accounts of annuities are subject to market fluctuation, investment risk and loss of principal.
MultiOption annuities and MyPath optional lifetime income benefits may not be approved in all states and product features may vary by state. We reserve the right to limit or discontinue acceptance of future purchase payments after the contract is issued. This may limit the ability to increase the contract value through additional purchase payments. If an optional benefit is elected in the contract, this may also limit the ability to increase the value used to calculate the optional benefit.
The MyPath suite of optional lifetime income benefits establish a Benefit Base for calculating guaranteed annual income. The Benefit Base provides no minimum contract value or investment return and is not available for withdrawal. Withdrawals exceeding allowed guidelines, or taken before the Benefit Date, may have a negative impact on the guarantees of these optional living benefits. All withdrawals reduce the Contract Value. These benefits cannot be cancelled and require use of an approved asset allocation strategy. The guarantees are subject to the financial strength and claims-paying ability of Minnesota Life. The guarantees have no bearing on performance of the variable investment options. These benefits are available on a single or joint life basis for an additional cost with a variable annuity and are based on state approval. Certain MyPath Benefits may be selected on a Plus or Joint 50 basis. These options may provide a greater initial stream of annual income with a reduction in annual income upon occurrence of certain specified events.
MyPath joint benefit options are not beneficial to the joint designated life unless he or she is recognized as a spouse under federal law. Consult with your tax advisor prior to purchasing a MyPath joint benefit if you have questions about your spouse’s status under federal law.
Some products and features may not be available in all states and features may vary by state. Not all products, features and optional benefits are available from all firms. Please consult with your firm before providing any products/services or materials listed here.
Variable annuities are sold by prospectus. Your clients should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of a portfolio and the variable insurance product carefully before investing. The portfolio and variable insurance product prospectuses contain this and other information. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.
The information presented above is solely intended for use by financial professionals. Such information is not intended for public consumption or dissemination.
A purpose of the method of marketing is solicitation of insurance and that contact will be made by an insurance agent or agency.
Policy form numbers: 11-70203, ICC11-70203, 12-70232, ICC12-70232, 17-70341, ICC17-70341, 20-70559, ICC20-70559, 20-70560, ICC20-70560, 20-70561, ICC20-70561
Securian Financial is the marketing name for Securian Financial Group, Inc., and its subsidiaries. Minnesota Life Insurance Company and Securian Life Insurance Company are subsidiaries of Securian Financial Group, Inc.
DOFU 12-2022