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May 2024

Three smart considerations for mental health awareness month

May is mental health awareness month, offering a valuable reminder to review your benefits program and ensure that it includes meaningful resources expected by today’s workforce. When it comes to the current state of mental health benefits in the workplace, a stunning 91 percent of employers expect to invest more in employee mental health than they did in 2023.1 Research also indicates that it is money well spent with mental health-related leaves of absence surging in the workplace, up 33 percent in 2023 over 2022.2

So, what can be done? For starters, following are three smart actions to help ensure mental wellness benefits align with employee expectations.

  1. Stay current with the evolving mental health resources available and where they fit within an existing program. It’s common for providers to periodically offer new options, and they’re likely willing to help analyze how they enhance current offerings.
  2. Seek to understand the varying mental health needs and wants of today’s multi-generational workforce. Gen Z needs vary from boomers, so a flexible, personalized mental wellness strategy that ties to the employee population is essential.
  3. Help remove the stigma of using mental health benefits, especially for Gen X and boomer employees. Ensure HR teams thoroughly understand the benefits and create a safe space for employees of all ages to confidently use them.

Securian Financial understands the importance of championing mental wellness. From performing in-depth research and identifying current trends, to supplemental health benefits with a variety of mental health coverages, to online resources that support multi-generational needs and expectations, we offer a broad range of assistance.

Let’s connect and discuss how we can help you offer a personalized, competitive benefits program that aligns with your employee population.

1. Wellable’s 2024 Employee Wellness Industry Trends Report.

2. ComPsych, Mental Health Leaves of Absence Surge, February 29, 2024.

DOFU 5-2024